Amy Wiggin
"artistic practice is the key to unlocking yourself" 

Livia Papiernik
"trapped in a vase of roses follows the concept of feeling small and 
trapped within our thoughts"

David Horgan
"Rather appropriately this piece is about string female energy with 
references to earth, fire, air and water."

Louise Benton

 "This is where I play with the duality of naughty and nice, or sinsand virtues; the double standards that women in particular are held up to particularly with regard to sexualityandself-expression."

Diego Sáinz García
"Their colours, stains and marks are inspired in comic, cartoons, graffiti and street."

Willow Stacey
"What started as a 
personal project; immortalising the comments I received, raging 
inside, biting my tongue has evolved into an act of solidarity.
It has given other woman a voice, women in all walks of life who go 
through the same pain on a daily basis.."

Viktoria Tchibor
"I’m blurring the lines between private and public sphere by raising delicate topics through a sugar coated façade."

"It got me thinking about how we still expect men and women to look 
and behave a certain way and the painting is a humorous reflection 
on this."

Tevin Muendo
"as everyone I meet is a bright beacon of knowledge and yarn to spin."